
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday June 8 at 11:59 pm.



Nominate Nominated! 2nd Chaynce
Nominate Nominated! Anne Carlsen
Nominate Nominated! Centre Inc
Nominate Nominated! Circle of Friends Animal Shelter
Nominate Nominated! Cvic
Nominate Nominated! Development Homes Inc.
Nominate Nominated! Empire Arts Center
Nominate Nominated! Evolve Gf
Nominate Nominated! F5 Project NEW!
Nominate Nominated! Grand Forks Growth and Support Center
Nominate Nominated! Grand Forks Public Library
Nominate Nominated! Grand Forks Salvation Army NEW!
Nominate Nominated! J&H Nunn Sports Foundation
Nominate Nominated! Listen Drop-In Center
Nominate Nominated! Love in Action
Nominate Nominated! North Dakota Association For The Disabled
Nominate Nominated! Northeast Human Service Center
Nominate Nominated! Northlands Rescue Mission
Nominate Nominated! Options Interstate Resource Center For Independent Living
Nominate Nominated! Sertoma of Greater Grand Forks NEW!
Nominate Nominated! Special Olympics North Dakota
Nominate Nominated! Spectra Health
Nominate Nominated! Stable Days Youth Ranch (Serving Grand Forks and East Grand Forks)
Nominate Nominated! Sunshine Hospitality Home
Nominate Nominated! U Shine 2 NEW!
Nominate Nominated! United Way
Nominate Nominated! University of North Dakota Alumni Association and Foundation
Nominate Nominated! Valley Senior Living NEW!
Nominate Nominated! Women's Fund
Nominate Nominated! Women's Pregnancy Center
Nominate Nominated! Youthworks
Showing of entries.
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